We believe that God has given each one of us a gift to be used in Ministry.
You have lots of ministries to choose from.
Get plugged in.
Kid’s Ministry at New Life Church is a BLAST. Kids Church features exciting and engaging praise and worship alongside relevant and biblical, age appropriate teaching. Your children will LOVE coming to church and learning the Word of God with their best friends.
New Life Kids encourages children 6 weeks old through 5th grade to participate in our kids programs each week.
To find out more contact Pastor Ashlyn Sanford.
Email: Ashyln@nlctn.org

God and the Bible

Our desire is to encourage students to see Christ as the source of new life, to look beyond their past, and to have a youthful experience with Christ.
Youth are challenged not only to grow in the knowledge of God, but to boldly live their faith.
We have youth service every Wednesday night at 6pm.
Our Young Adult ministry is focused on what young men and women need at this juncture in life; deeper faith, deeper relationships, deeper purpose. This is an active group that is super competitive, loves fun, and loves Jesus. We regularly connect for fun, fellowship driven activities. Ages 18-25
To find out more contact Pastor Cody Sanford.
Email: NLCHURCH@nlctn.org

Our Beliefs

New Life Men’s Ministry provides men the resources and relationships to help them grow in Christ. From deadlines to bottom lines, many of us are trying to find ways to develop as Christian men.
We all ask: What is God’s purpose for my life? Should I connect with men who face(d) challenges that I have? What aboutsowing into another man’s life? Answers can be found at New Life Men’s Ministry.
Looking for an easy way to meet your brothers? Join us for our Men’s Breakfast on the first Saturday of each month at 8 AM.
To find out more contact John Peets at: John@nlctn.org



Worship creates an atmosphere where faith can grow. Faith creates an atmosphere where miracles can and will happen. When we join together in one accord, to Worship the Lord just as they did in II Chronicles 5: 13-14, we believe that the spirit of God will fill our sanctuary resulting in transformed and renewed lives. Worship is a lifestyle we pursue every day, and it begins first, in our hearts. If we don’t submit, love the Lord, and have a true sense of AWE, Worship is hard to achieve.
We regularly open up our team to new members and if your spiritual gift is music, we want you to be a part of this special team!
To find out more contact Pastor Lori Brown.
Email: Lori@nlctn.org

We are called to be mighty women of God, to be His hand extended, to GO and make disciples of all nations, being the salt of the earth and the light of the world. We are to know who we are for we know who He is, to challenge ourselves to be better mothers, daughters, sisters, aunts, friends,
It our desire in the Ladies Ministry, to meet women from all walks of life right where they are and to be relevant in today’s society while mirroring God’s love and compassion. God loves us all the same and we want to mirror His love.
To find out more contact Nancy Russell.
Email: Nancy@nlctn.org
Joy Fellowship is a fun, faith focused, and active group for those who are 55+. JOY is short for “Just Older Youth” and boy does this group live that out every day! We meet once a month, with two distinct purposes. Every other meeting focuses on spiritual growth through time in the word and fellowship. The other times we gather to host a service project to be a blessing to our Church and community.
If you’d like to be a part, contact Raeanne Hance
Email: Raeanne@nlctn.org